Monday, July 11, 2011

Yeah~! Hyphen Rocks Bebeh~ Pt II

BIG WARNING :: Everyone have their own preference and opinion..So, RESPECT~!

Ma... Sour time.. Well it is obviously that they are K-bias.. Well... I ta marah that part but I kinda kecik hati la sbb like diorg being sarcastic dan seolah memperlekehkan J talent.. aigoo.. panas nih... hehe.. anyhow... we hyphen do hope u keep your word to learn more about KAT-TUN dear Mc.. bukan sbb mmg kiteorg no org serious.. tp sebab the perli2.. hehe.. ma.. my advice.. to all new hyphen.. (yes.. kami dapat hyphen baru sbb project ni.. LOL~) don't miss out to watch all the concert.. my personal preference is BTR la.. seriously.. bulu roma menegak first time tgk.. Kamenashi 1582 is a must~! Moon too.. senang kata semua la.. and dun worry hyphen dont bite.. and as far as I know there is no hyphen yg I kenal pnh bashing others fandom... so, bg I hyphen is safe..

Ma.. dear 8TV, we all know yg Kpop aura is unbearable.. tp x bermakna korg kene push aside the talented J.. especially from JE la.. sbb most J i knl pon JE boys.. hehe.. don't whack me because of this.. KAT-TUN single always be on top... acknowledged that plish~~ hehe..well.. hyphen is up and unite now.. so, beware.. WHEN SUNDAY COMES, HERE (8TV NITELIVE) WE WILL BE~~ hahaha.. just kiddin.. although it might be true.. LOL~! and last but not least.. letter to Baki and the other guy.. LOL~! kochi2~

::btw it BEATboxing not bla bla BOXING la dear~

Sunday, July 10, 2011




Hallo minna.. btw.. skrg tgh tggu for 2nd round hyphen project... still! SAYA SAKIT GIGI~~ wa.. menci2~~
btw.. recently I've been giving opinion kt org... ma.. ad two topic..

Firstly: Adakah kenangan boley di consider as souvenir? :: adapted from a conversation with friend

Kenangan is more like a memory in which different dgn sourvenir yg berupa kebendaan...Kenangan is a form of memory yg virtual but then buah tgn is real...So, itu membuatkan kenangan itu berbeza dari buah tangan..tetapi kenangan juga boleh diceritakan dan dikongsi dengan orang lain where it can help in giving imagination kpd pendengar.. so apabila ia dikongsi maka ia juga boleh ditafsirkan sebagai hadiah or dgn kata lain buah tangan la kot... tp walopon ia dikongsi, tp tidak secara overall sbb mungkin ada part yg missing.. but still... ia hidup dalam memory org yg mengalaminya.. so, kenangan is a sourvenir or not depends kepada yg menerimanya~~

Secondly : ‎..orang perempuan suka tengok orang lelaki menangis ke? :D :: quest by Hariz Clay @ fbstatus

well... it depends to sbb a guy cry.. some guy asume klo dyorg cry means diorg put dri dyorg at a lower state.. bg sy la... if they cry means they need support... klo sbb dia cry tu bukan sbb gurl they love la... klo they cry sbb girl they love means they love so much.. and mesti kita bertambah2 syg kt dia sbb guys susah nk fake kan tear.
Well.. its me with my world of opinion.. so, fell free to ask~~ ^^

another rant~! Havoc Hyphen~!



Hallo semua... ma.. imawa i ada kt umah my aunt.. will be staying here for a week or plus2 for my SIEP.. fufuh... nak SIEP tu ap?? kne la masuk UMK.. ececeh.. memandangkan dah pernah rant pasal SIEP ni, so tanak bebel dah.. penat.. fufufufuh.. owh... sebenarnya nk cite pasal the Havoc Hyphen.. hehe..

Jitsuwa, malam tadi ad project for hyphen Malaysia.. Aim : 8tv broadcast KAT-TUN PV.. haha.. cayala hyphen.. sume semangat.. ta tahan.. dari twitter, chatbox, fb.. semangat~!! tetibe terasa bangga plak diri ni hyphen kan.. maklum la.. lately KAT-TUN boys cam slow jerk... so i pon slow.. tp bile dapat pulak situasi cam ni.. fufuh.. mata yg ngtuk pon terase ada tongkat... i yg yg sakit gigi ni pon redah jer.. yang paling semangat BELLA~!! fuh... if i la KAT-TUN bangga gile dpt fan cam bella.. hehe... tp last2 8tv tak tyg gak.. still dak2 ni aim for tonight.. haha.. seems like it wolud be hyphen war.. ma... not in bad way la.. it just nk org2 taw yg Jpop world is also capable cam Kpop.. kan...?? but seriously.. everyone is fighting for it.. mmg serious nampak semangat.. sampai ad org tertarik tny KAT-TUN tu siape.. hehe...btw.. lpe nak ckp.. kattun nk ada single baru.. run for you~~ but frankly, i prefer diamond jd lgu main... btw it just my opinion *peace*... anyhow.. just tggu la the outcome pv cane...owh... and .. my wallie batch project still on delay.. gif pon... i hope boley siapkan b4 ramadhan kot.. fufufufuh~~

Btw semalam sembang ngn roro.. hahaha.. tata la pesal.. rse cam nk sembang ngn dia plak.. fufufuh.. cik Rohaida.. i choo jeles u dapat Hlovate punye bookmark.. btw... Hlovate is another thing yg i ngn dia suke selain dr KAT-TUN world.. hmm.. cane ek nk ckp.. kind of universal sbnrnya hyphen ni... sume mende boley kyaa sekali... hahahaha... seronok2..

owh... next part.. mama.. fufufufuh.. ma risau i gemok.. i tak risau.. haha... yeke x... hmm.. adala jugak risau.. dah tu nk bt mcm mana.. dulu yela i kt mkn.. sejak masuk uni ni.. mmg dah kurang.. tp ma ta nampak sbb dok asramakn.. tp balik umah demand nak makan tu ini.. normal la kan.. fufufuh.. yes i'm worried that i'm overweight tp i nk bt cane.. next... ma risau i xd boyfriend.. adey.. ma.. the time will come la.. dun worry.. hehehe....taw tak nape ma risau? sbb along mmg dh stable dgn bf dia and adek plak ramai peminat.. so i ni mcm x laku.. adoyay mama ni.. mcm2~~ ma... I'm happy with my KAT-TUN boys sudah.. the real husband to be will muncul gak sooner or later.. unless mmg dh tertulis i takde jodoh ngan sesiape.. hahaha..

ok... as for now tu je kot.. seriously.. las2 update yg ni jugak.. kne g update tatta hitotsu neh~~ hehe
matta minna~~ yo~!! HYPHEN~!! let it rock tonight~~!!

Friday, July 8, 2011




Haloo-hallo Minna~~ hehe.. ma.. it just a rondom post since its been a while i'm doing my update here... Well... tak banyak mende pon nk ckp.. just nak bagitau... i officially had 3 blogspot, 2 facebook, 1 twitter, 1 tumblr and one not so well updated LJ~ lol.. malas. but franly, LJ is just like side.. tp tgk r sat g klo rajin bt gif ke wallies ke then i post kt LJ... maybe kt tumblr skali kot... anyhow.. igt nk bt plurk.. tp ta faham dia pnya jalan hidup.. so, i give up.. haha... account bnyk2 pon tak termanage macm mane... btw.. recently pg blog alin.. kochi2~ as for me.. dia mmg blogger berjaya yg punya sudut pandangan yg berbeza.. ececeh~~ ayat... ta tahan... fufufuh.. my cuti is bosan.. aritu kuar nk tgk transformer.. tp biase la, terlebih cerdik lupe nk bli tix awal... so tix abes.. so melepas.. so padan muke cik illi~~ hehe.. naseb la... anyhow... wish to see that soon.. 

Btw.. recently pasal hack2 ni faymes kan... fufufu.. Nauzubillahminzalik... previously ad sorg kne hack FB dia with X-rated pix..  So, sgt kesian... tp nk buat mcm mne dh terkena.. well.... people, as usual bile ad smtg yg negative dia akan  fikir negative dulu.. ok, sy tidak terkecuali.. first, bila newsfeed gambar tu naek tros macam... asal bdk ni.. knp.. why2~!!! sedey2 sampai nk nanges... siyes saya malu... because it so x proper.. then i bt status... post kt twitter ap sume.. then baru terfikir positif... nth2 dia kene hack kot... hmm.. the next day, i find out mmg dia kene hack pon.. well... i pity her but in the same time, mcm mane if tak de org pon explain dia kene hack... if that happen to me i mesti rase tanak muncul da kat mana2... malu kot.. plus2 FB tuh sume kawan2 yg kita kenal.. lg la... 

My advice: jangan la online sesuka hati kat mane2.. i mean like online dkt starbuck ke.. merate2 la... sbb mcm tu la sng kne hack.. lagi satu rajin2 la tukar pswd... so, it help la sikit nk prevent hacking ni.. 

Fufufufuh... bnyk plak bebel bila dh stat tulis nih... ok la.. got two more blog to update.. jya~~~ XPP~!!

Btw --- this is the latest blog yg i bukak.. my world of art... well ad quotation, picture, poem aka sajak... and will update more soon  bila i berilham.. have a visit then ~~ ^^