Friday, November 18, 2011

*no title*

Fuuh~!! all post got cut due short term memory~ so... post semua pendek3~~ hadoi~~~ me and my memory problem~ NEVER_END~!

Lata Tembakah~


Lata Tembakah~!! Here we go~!!!

Previously~ Pergi LATA TEMBAKAH~!!! Kyaa~!! Its cuti deepavali... So, we decide to go to Lata Tembakah~ somewhere at sempadan Terengganu...
Lata Tembakah~! Its Fun~! with all the slippery stone... Yes, got tergelincir almost nth time...and lebam here and there of course.. but still it one of the place that hold our story... -SBP at Lata Tembakah on Depavali- Sweeeet~! <3~!

-Karnival Rekreasi Rakan Muda-Debat-T-shirt



Selamat sudah dari busy week sebagai AJK publisiti bg Program Karnival Reakreasi Rakan Muda MPP IPT 2011
Selamat sudah dari busy week sebagai pendebat yang nth ape2 bagi program Debat UNESCO 2011
Hampir selamat dari busy menguruskan T-shirt Class...

May everything keeps going fine InsyAllah~