Friday, December 26, 2014

A wrap, maybe?

Bismilahirrahamirrahim~! Ok SpiLL~!!

Heyyo people.. haha.. mungkin post terakhir untuk tahun ini and maybe not.. but then, We'll see..  5 days more to reach the end of 2014. I can say "What a year!!" Its the end of the year but then, before apa2 the banjir in Kelantan and Pantai Timur seems to get worse. Hopefully everyone is safe and sound... Lega dengar Along angkat telefon.. Lega dapat wassap Siti.. Tinggal Pika je yg MIA.. Hope she is safe... Up until now, Alhamdulillah rumah tak jadi apa2.. last year 3 hari black out.. this year harap tak berulang la kejadian tersebut... Thankfully everytime this happen Armand takde kat rumah.. huhu.. Kesian org Ayer Lanas hajat nak balik rumah tak kesampaian.. Well, as for the moment doa je mampu.. Yerp, musibah di dunia pasti berakhir.. Insya-Allah.. May everything at ease for everyone.

2014 Is a year I'm starting a master. When there is moment I spill that I have a little regret many word that come.. Some say, I deserve for it so make it work. Some say, I can't change the past as the matter of fact that I'm in it already so make it work. basically, more or less semua org cakap to make it work. Yerp, I'll make it work but still I'm afraid of failing.. Tak pernah rasa this pressure much even time degree but skrg.. Oh My~! Will i make it through? 

2014 Is a year that I buat what I nak buat.. Yes I did it.. I did some crazy thing but i cant spill here the detail.. haha..mungkin sebab tahun depan dah officially tua.. reaching suku abad.. Well, tough year to live next year if i haven't found the one.. Some how... Ya Allah, I pray for my self and even for my best friend to have to best spouse for us untuk dunia dan akhirat and all rezeki dan pekerjaan yang baik dunia akhirat. Amin~

This year wish list.. Let see, what can be cut out

Get a Job -- Nope since I'm in master now
Photobucket Buy a new sport shoe -- Done!!
Photobucket Getting a braces -- Can't afford one yet or mungkin ta jadi nak pakai kot.. haha
 Buy a car  -- Nope since I'm in master now
Photobucket Buy more and more shoe and bag -- Done!! Like seriously :D
 Slim down a bit... Uppss  -- Uh.. tough one~!
Photobucket Own a good collection of hijab/shawl  -- I can say i have quite a bit now
 Making a proper printed recipe book  -- Tak mula mana nak siap.. haha
Photobucket Having fun at water park -- Went to Gambang already.. YEY!
Photobucket Going to a CF or any Japanese related festival -- Tomorrow heading to CF~ :)
Photobucket Have more and more collection of books and novels -- Buying quite a number at the year end book sale and also Big Bad Wolf.. :)
Photobucket and Get socialize a bit -- Maybe dah over socialize kot

..General wish list.. 

 Having a Spring vacation to Japan  -- Seems to far at the moment
 Back packing to anywhere  -- Seems to far at the moment
 Climb a mountain -- Maybe I'll start with a hill first.. planning to have some early tahun depan lepas final
 Enjoying extreme sport -- Tak nampak apa yg boleh di join.. huhu~
  Able to play an instrument  -- One step taken :)

2014.. Its a wrap.. Hopping for a better year next year~