Thursday, May 10, 2012

Intern Part Five~

Yippie... Its Intern-SHIP that sails...
OK! SPiLL~!!
Alhamdulillah... All praises to ALLAH... I'm still alive.. hidup lagi dan bertambah-tambah sihat... Emoticons...Jeles x? Wee.. Bukan apa.. makan segala bagai cukup.. mmg la bertambah2 sihat...tu je sbb nye... Well.. Internship Part Five.. Oh! Part 5 da kan... arinini dah nak masuk doblas minggu dan intern... nak ckp sng lebih kurang 3 bulan la jugak kan... duit PT dah abes you... Emoticons...Well.. I admit yg I ni money management fail sikit... tapi..tapi..tapi.. dalam kehabisan uwang itu.. aci je sbb i ade la dapat dalam dua tiga helai blouse baru and tudung and shawl baru... so.. aci je kannnn???!!  Emoticons... oh... ckp pasai tudung... serious sedey... well sedey je.. x nyesal pon... I'm letting go tudung dua ton yg i betoi2 nak sbb org tu nk bg ma dia... mm... tape je.. aci je... tp seriously... "I wish~!! I wish~!! I jumpe that colour again~" amin~... huhu..

Maaa... skrg, rutin harian dh berubah... breakfirst kt opice... Emoticons... hehe.. mmg sesuka hati je la kan.. well.. i think mcm ni better.. sbb tayah serabut2 nk masak air kt umh.. nk bgn awai segala bagai.. huhu.. nampak sgt pemalas.. ye.. i mmg.. ta tipu.. umh tu semiggu sekali je kemas.. sbb bukan dok umah sgt... balik opis, tdo.. x pon jalan2 amek angin... mlm kuar makan.. balik makan tido.. huhu. so ape lah sgt kn......ujung minggu balik Kuantan.. Emoticons...ape ape pon... terime kasih ditujukan kepada cottage sbb sudi jadi tempat i berkulat selama intern nih.. muehehe... 

PART FIVE... project still on Rat Baits.. next week maybe i kne stay dkt factory itu sendiri.. hopefully i wont get sick la by then kan.. sbb environment kat situ x visitor friendly.. huhu.. tape.. demi kerja aci je kan.. Bnyk pre-reading yg ta buat lagi.. serious bnyk lag bab kerja ni.. tataw la.. apabila aura malas datang menerjah.. nasib la.. Emoticons... Tapi this week.. I do improve sket.. my to-do-list is getting shorter you~~ Yippie.. Thank God..... K la.. tu je.. dh abes rant.. nk sambung buat keje.. Tata...

:: Oh~ Mereka aka jiranku akan abes by 22 June... Should i get them something?? hmm... 
::: Oh! I'm gonna miss them a lot... that for sure... =)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Bicara Hati~

Bicara Hati.. Kadang kala, sesuatu itu lebih baik dibiarkan sebagai rahsia.. 
Kadang kala sesuatu itu lebih baik dibiarkan  begitu sahaja.. 
 Bicara hati ... Biarlah rahsia.. Biarlah masa yang menentukanya...
Follow the flow~ =)

OK! SPiLL~!!
:: this post is ain't about internship~!

Time pass.. masa berlalu...

"...everybody has a past... 
...everybody lives a present... 
...everybody deserves a future... 
...that was I and this is me..." 
- Hlovate @ Anthem

Yes.. its him... dia...dia yang bernama... oh! biarlah rahsiakan... dia... and his past.. he and his his-story... how much did he learn.. how far dia pernah pergi.. sebanyak mana garam gula kehidupan yg pernah dia rasai.. dan sebanyak mana dia telah berubah... dan usahanya... I feel half of it yesterday... he spiLL he talk and he tell.. and I listen.. dengar dengan tekun... banyak yg I belajar.. banyak perkara yang membuat I berfikir... menganalisa... menilai... and reflect... dia kuat dan juga dia lemah.. he need someone to hold onto him... that what I see... as much that I can be there for him I will.. even actually I'm not that strong either... Semoga dia terus diberkati.. May Allah bless him... Biarlah dia menjadi insan yg setara dengan namanya... Pedang Agama... Semoga dia berjaya.. Amin~

:: Recently I baca RADHA (Relevenkah Aku Di Hatimu)... and there is a few quotes that catch me...

"We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person PERFECTLY~!"

"Jangan bicara soal perjuangan jika gentar akan kekalahan, Jangan bicara soal cinta jika gentar kehilangan"

** Soal hati.. Bicara Hati.. Soal Rasa.. Soal Cinta.. Serahkan pada YANG MAHA ESA...dan biarlah masa yg menentukannya.. Semoga akan sentiasa diredhai oleh-NYA~ Amin

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Intern Part Four

OK! SPiLL~!!

Olla Peeps~~
Its Inter-SHIP that sails Part IV..
Sedar tak sedar it almost over... Emoticons.. Xde la almost.. tp dh half of intern journey la.. hehe... Well.. sepanjang I kt sini dah dua kali turun kL yg menyebabkan kemerosotan keewangan yg amat...Emoticons...hadoi2~~ *hands up* I mengaku yg I'm totally fail on Money Management... Well, a point to wonder jugak what if one day bila I dh bergaji segala bagai.. How ae? hmm.. skrg ye la.. surut2 ada PaMa~ kikiki.. First time turun kL untuk Anime Fiesta which sorry to say that event seems x brp nk meriah segala bagai.. but I still enjoy meeting Hyphen..Second time turun untuk jumpa SBP-ians.. sume makin lawa makin berseri u~~ Emoticons *i je yg tak* -_-" ~! Enjoy the moment and masuk snow house yg sgt chilly you~!! Emoticons..chilly gile.. can't even imagine if one day akan stay in snowy places.. Weee~~ 

Intern part IV.. Lots of thing yg I learn sama ada directly or in directly~ thanks to the peeps around~ and sorry to say org kat sini freak you~~ freak~!!! ta tipu... they like to buat kesimpulan sendiri.. Emoticons ..Hmm.. I pon ta fhm la... Its been a while since I jd bestie for the guys next door.. Makan bersama and segala bagai la bersama... hmm.. sbb ap? sbb xd org laen dah.. hadoi2... but people with their speculation is unavoidable... dok mengata sini sana... wake up peeps.. Emoticons..klo dh community nye 4 org maka 4 org je la.. takkan tetibe nk merempat rumah u all plak.. kang laen pulak yg dikata... hmm.. tape la biarla.. nasib la.. tp because of this situation I rase I need to draw the boundry line.. bukan sbg penghalang but sbg limitation.. kan? ape2 pon cool and steady~Emoticons Wee...btw, U..u..u..kamu.. kamu... I pon tataw whats wrong with me smp I tend to spiLL almost everything kat kamu.. I wonder who are you~ hmm... 

Intern part IV... the project progress serious slow...Emoticons... sbb I dilanda kemalasan yg menggunung.. hadoi2.. pastu nnt tetibe bos nak mule la terkulat2... Emoticons...Hmph~! better get started.. btw.. recently 'tertengok Winner 3 kat TV3' ... somehow I see future me inside it.. hows the product development is needed in nowday market... they even have Product Development Executive~!! Emoticons..Wow~ Aiming high for my next2 SEM.. I shoud get dean.. I should... for the sake of me and my parent of course..


::Tend to follow does not mean lack of originality.... 
apa yg i nk highlight sini is... sbb kan i tend to follow ur minat segala bagai tak bermaksud i xd identity, it just the stuff and things is nice one and fit me of course =)

:: btw recently totally in love with this perfume :: Gucci - Envy Me... Emoticons..but recently ade perfume cherryblossom release~ O.o?? nk p test bau laaa~~~

and also this...

Ambi Pur Cotton~!!Emoticons
Papa.. pas ni pakai ni yerrrr~

::Sbbkn ikot ckp Mira, ber-emoji wa punye post~~ huhu~~

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Intern Part Three

 : : Never Over HYPHEN is your part~!! 
 Yeah~!! Hyphen is my part~! 
Weee~! Yippie~!!!! 
Its KAT-TUN 6th Anniversary~!~! 
Ommedetou for keep being one~!~!
Ommedetou for keep strong~!~! 
Ommedetou for keep growing great~!~! 
Ommedetou for keep being inspiring~!~! 
Ommedetou for being KAT-TUN~! 
Oh Yeah~!!! 

Ok! Sorry for the sudden introduction~! Back to the basic... Intern Part Three~! 

Bismillahirahmanirrahim.... OK! SPiLL~!!
Its 22 March and I dah officially sebulan lebih ber-intern di PPPTR~ Wee... nothing much differ then before.. same je.. tp dh  start bz la.. sebab dh kne propose improvement to the process of BUTIK which is BUnuh TIKus~! haha.. thats my project for now.. wee.. nervous.. btw, I seriously nk blajar Auto-CAD properly dn kt sini ade.. nnt igt nk ckp kt boss.. hopefully dapat la kan~~ Wee...

Ok.. mmg x bnyk differ pon accept me yang rase dh boley fit in with these people.. huhu... mcm mane boley fit in pon I tataw.. haha.. but seriously I'm comfortable to people around me more than before.. feel the bond and have it ya~ btw it just a common bond thou.. Hope xde la sesiapa terjatuh hati kt sesiape-sesiape ke ap ke.. heheheee.... Well.. lets go for the pixie~
Basically this is the building that I'm in.. yeah.. comfy enough with aircond and large space for myself..Weeeee~!! It just the morning punch time 7.30 a.m~ Early ey-y-y-y~!

*Helmet tuh~! Safety First*
Ok~!! Since intern started I become this new minah rempit.. haha..rempit la sgt.. tp pg keje naek moto org.. weee.. terima kasih la kepada beliau... 
:: currently learning bawa motor and dh officially dapat lebam dua biji yg besau.. wee.. 

*gambo ni tamau straight, salahkan blogspot na~* -_-"
Ini dia beliau yg hari-hari telah berjasa membawa daku pi office p makan p mart p jalan2.. terime kasih la yer awok~~ Wee.. tggu na.. nnt i dh reti bawak moto kite gilir2 na~~ =)

*orang rumah sebelah*
Ni org rumah sebelah yg suke gelak.. tgk tu.. gelak je memanjang haha...
Ni pon same.. org rumah sebelah... tp yg kanan la yg belah kiri tu 'adik' dia kot.. haha.. 

Well basically berkawan baik la kami berempat.. sebab... dh takde teman lain dh kot.. setakat ni intern punye budak yg duduk kt cottage tu 5 org je.. huhu.. and umah kami ade 4 la tapi.. sbb ad 2 org akak technician FES..hehe.. then umah guys ade 3 org.... huhu...No matter berapa ramai still a peaceful cottage area~ Wee...
Inilah cottage terchentaa~!! Best.. pagi2 sejuukkk~!!! Seb baek tayah  kne mandi air telaga... huhu
Wee.. tidak lupe juga pada Wolla aka Nisah *kanan*
Naz dan Syafiq~
Even it just a short meet up it still frienship~ =)

_thats all for now_
: : gambar cilok kt fb wolla~~ hehehe~~

Monday, March 12, 2012

Intern Part Two

OK! SPiLL~!!
Oy-oy... its the sambungan from the post in Tatta Hitotsu no Koi...
Yellow peeps.. 
Its intern on the fourth week.. Yippie.. 
Pejam-celik-pejam-celik-blink-blink-blink its dah 4th week of intern.. weee.. tp still berbahagia tanpa bebanan kerja memandangkan supervisor aka boss is sibuk.. nasib la kan...Somehow, I dh dapat note yg this Khamis akan buat factory visit.. nervous la plak kan... sbb cam entah nervous laa... *doki-doki* ... Jeles melihat update2 rakan-rakan yang berkerja di tempat lain.. huhu... I'm glad that I am here but somehow I wish to fly higher... ecececeh.. xde la by the mean here nk explore the world more la...but still glad to be here.. Weeeeee....

Well, since I said before yg this is sambungan from previous blog... well got something to say... Kepada beliau yg the dam yg seems broke,  I tataw la what happen to you sampai pecah kan.. tp.. just be strong because i know you are that strong person.. well, I'm not a sweet talker.. x pandai pon nk sooth2 org... huhu... but just be strong *ape yg ak merepek neh* =_="..

Back to intern..
I'm-no-good in interpreting people but i know the best about the people that i can go with.. =) Weee... Ma... nak complain... tp x elok complain.. tp nk complain jugak.. dinner kt sini serious ta best.. nk balik PC.. banyak variety makanan.. sini dah la limited *cough*taksedap*cough* pulak tuh... kesian tekak I... nak masak xd dapo.. xde peti... tp still Alhamdulillah sbb still ad food nk di digest..=)..and previously my beloved cottage ni ade plak mcm2 creature... hadoi2... aritu amik wuduk x pakai spek then nampak mende geletik2 atas lantai... lari2 naik atas amek spek... cacing ropenye.. maklumla.. cottage kampung.. wee.. then ade banyak giler siput... huh! since when I geli pon I tataw.. selalu x time tu rse geli pulak.. mengade2 kan... kui3...

K la tu je...

: : nak design brochure... Idea! Y-u-no-come
: : nak watch Mirror Mirror... tp tataw la balik Kuantan x minggu neh
: : aritu jatuh tersempat.. luke sudah...
: : Mama diva~! mu dh balih blom? sepi jerrr.. klo x nk plan p bentong neh~

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


OK! SPiLL~!!

Intern is here.. Ma... Macam biase la kan... First week is super bosan.. Huhu... But somehow it is not that bad and not that good gak la.. Hueh3... Maa.. Selamat sudah seminggu as intern at ISS FASSB... Yes.. ISS.. Intergrated System Solution... People is wondering why me, an agro based student dekat ISS.. Haha... If I ask me, I pon tataw.. But still! I like it here.. Seeing my place surrounding by some sort of 'not my field' bakal memberi satu peluang untuk belajar new things, right....? Alhamdulillah, I am comfortable to be here except if being pasif smoker....maa... Bukan nak against mereka yang smoke it just mmg allergic sket la dgn asap2 rokok ni... Maaf yer.. If sesape terase dgn reaksi yg diberikan... But somehow, I do respect them sbb once dyorg know that I cant stand it they tend to no to smoke infront of me.. Huhu.. Mybe sbb we just get to know each other then u dont know.. So, its ok.. Ada juga among my friend yg smoke but somehow I never see they smoke infront of me.. So, that mende yg paling I glad la~ =)

Somehow, wish me luck for upcoming2 week that i expect to be tougher than ever~!! Hoyeah~!! Ganbatte~!!!

:: Won't be learn Nihonggo in quite some time... I wonder I boley catch up tak next SEM??
:: Havent buy Nihonggo Dixy yet~~ Tak jumper~!! Asal la payah sgt neh~! Hmph~!


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Awkward Silence

Spill~!!! Spill out the milk~!!! Yeah~!!

Yeah.. the milk spill.. so no chance for return... ayark! hmm.. Actually, someone terase dgn saya... yes! i know that.. Baby.. I'm sorry.. Well.. u kan taw i do spill the milk all the time.. sorry.. Well its tru sometimes silence is better.. but when with u.. i don't own that.. u r my bestie here.. I tak nak hilang that.. maybe its true yang ade certain part of you yg i ta discover lg and ade certain part of me yang u pon x discover lagi... Anyhow sorry dear... I wish you all the best for ur exam~

and.. I dont want that awkward silence... I need people to tell me my mistake yg i tataw..

ps:: I'm am straight not a lesbian~! I just love my friend more~!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Then i notice...

Then i notice

This blog is OUT OF EMOTICON~!!! Yaaaa~!! Remind me to put it next time... kekekeke..


Reflect...  Make you know your life better... Sape setuju??? angkat tangan.. kekekeke.. Well... Reflect help you untuk know urself better.. senang kata its more like looking at the mirror... reflect is about menilai or evaluate the action yang might have significance.. For example la.. if suddenly someone start to ignore you... wanna know y? so, reflect.. maybe you ade terlajak kata or misbehave somewhere yang menyebabkan org tu sentap ke ap ke.. then u will have ur decision to act.. reflect.. then you will realize that maybe u ni is that kind of person that spill out loud what you think.. So, maybe dgn itu u will control ur spill-ness level... tak pon u can give others warning not to ambil hati on ap yg u ckp or bla..bla..bla... hehe.. anyhow human being is complex.. huhu...

:: rase mcm ckp abt myself je.. =))



-The hardest battle is when you are against yourself~!-
Versus... AO... Minn Edina..Well, all time favorite novel actually~!..Firstly...Not here to make review pasal this novel.. tp its a about someone that change for good.. kira2.. ala AO la.. hmm.. Yes! berubah for the term of 'baik' is hard... first its definition.. how would you define baik? "mcm mana nk jd baik?" define it first then you'll know... what is baik? if u know the meaning and be like it you akan jadi baik.. according to Hlovate, "be in ISLAM in total".. than that is baik....its require passion and high determination.. Everyone is happy.. everyone is supporting but when its comes to stepping forward.. it is not about drawing a line of boundary behind or neither to isolating yourself.. Actually sedikit terkesan la... especially people yang used baik dgn dia... Mcm mana ek nk ckp.. sbb if ckp kang look like mcm x support dia pulak kan.. hmmm... gyarh.. tp nak ckp jugak.. tak kira la for what reason u've change into a better state that us it doesn't mean that we cant even chat or interact... kawan kan? waa... sedey sbb tu je.. sbb mcm dh hilang kawan.. sob3...sedey jugak sbb kawan  i mcm hilang kawan jugak.. we might be different now but... hmm.. no comment la... somehow i'm supporting ur change... 

..the hardest battle is when you are against yourself..
..but the thing that u love the most might not the best after all.. 
 _CHANGING FOR GOOD IS NOT A CRIME_inshAllah_with Allah will, I will_


:: if nk faham my rant-ing i reading Versus would be the solution...If you want one.. lemme know~
:: Versus! All time favourite novel.. and will keep re-reading... btw Hlovate... I'm waiting for ANTHEM plish~!!
:: Own "Romantism: Weapon of Satan" and "Quick Grasp of Faith" but haven't read it yet.. hmm... rugikn x bc lagi.. aiyoyoyo...but still I will read it somehow~