Friday, June 10, 2011

Creep~ Street Symphony~



Yeah~!! I finally get my *Contengan Jalanan* after searching through out three city.. haha... last copy kat kedai buku dekat mane nth.. somewhere in kL la tapi.. huhu.. amek tros bayar... lepas tu dok senyum memanjang.. haha.. Done reading three day.. um... lama sikit sbb the story is kinda norm.. mybe my expectation tinggi sgt kot.. anyhow.. as for me even it is kinda a little boring it still a good job from Hlovate... Maaa...seriously i'm wating for ANTHEM~!! Hlovate.. cepatla release anthem~!!!!!!!! Well the top novel still VERSUS~!!

Contengan Jalanan... Well tataw nk bt review cane.. so baca sendiri la klo nk taw.. still Contengan Jalanan and Versus make me feel like going to Australia.. Seriously~!!

My Hlovate novel rating
  1. Versus
  2. Aa+bB
  3. 5 Tahun 5 bulan
  4. Tunas
  5. Rooftop Rant
  6. Ked's Story

Ma... thats all for now... btw... Aya.. Miss you romeo~!! XPP~!!

My Journey~ Part II


Basically post ini adalah sambungan daripada post di sini..

SPiLL~!! Well... actually i try to be yasashi in my previous post but I'm gonna spill it here.. so... No terase or tersakit hati because it just my point of view dan pendapat.. ok?? deal~!

My Journey to Kulim~!! Maa... secara jujur nye... at first its disastrous.. i even counting brp hari lg kene stay...haha.. reason....sbb tangga... fuh..fuh... too much stairs.. setiap kali abes xtvt panjat tangga... nsb baik time KMPh dlu x mcm tuh.. haha... Crazy Emoticons*whack~*Crazy Emoticons.. I mmg manja pon.. The hall panas... sgt pns... There is one night, I just stand kt luar grill hall tu... fuh... bahang dy... dasyat2... but still... thats the norm of minggu orientasi kn? and seriously I don't feel like it is me.. because I didn't speak out loud what i think.. still i'm holding sbb nk release kat sini... nk klo nk speak out loud kt sana equal tu cari nahas la kan... dh la bukan tempat kite...MSN Onion Emoticon

Complaint : First, the management~! well... Zack dh complain tp nk complain jugak.. mmg mcm kurang preparation.. kite org pon sebenarnya...kurang jugak.. nasib baek amount student sikit, so agak terkawal.. Jitsuwa sangat kesian kat diaorang tp tataw nak membantu mcm mana... tp tu la.. preparation is maybe kene buat awal sikit and the seniority should be avoid.. Well, sbb mostly adalah alumni dari batch yang berbeza so seniority tu mesti ad... HOWEVER, in organization...MSN Onion Emoticonssenior should know that they are to respect not to follow.. if the organization ikot seniority then fine la... tp if organization x, it would be kelam kabut.. the reason is, junior nk jg hati senior.. 

Well, through out the xtvt, I seriously nk say Onion Iconssorry Onion Icons sbb totally lepas tgn bila xtvt junior UMK dgn KMku bergabung.. bukan niat nk lepas tgn but we feel so UNFIT... minority among majority.. hmm.. and i admit yg we all abide the code dress... haha.. nk bt cane, top management x bg brief apa2 ponCrazy Emoticons..  i just bwk 3 bju kurung 2 jeans and one slack yg x taram la pakai apa2 pon... but then the eyes yang watching tu x yah nak kata la ketajamannyaMSN Onion Emoticon... well, we are not the alumni.. how should we know.. klo dh taw pon, its too late kan.. 

The regret : Yes.. ad regret jugak sbnrnya...sbb get fit at the very end of the xtvt.. seriously, the last day bru i rse fit kt situ.. tp nk bt cne.. Again its too late..MSN Onion Icons

ok... thats all for now and here... to be continue at!! ^^