Little Hand For Nature...
OK! SPiLL~!!
Pin~! Pin~! Yoe.. haha.. actually baru je balik dari pada KB-PC and feel wanna update something.. sbb.. if delay the feeling ta msk and dah lupe.. macam post KB trip dulu...
Little Hand For Nature.. event group mereka and.. mmg sesaje je gegedik nk ikot.. hihi.. sbb roomate pegi and i tamau tggl sorg.. fufufufu..
.. Well, its start with a day before.. which i tolong balut balut hadiah..and the funny thing is........ nampak sngt skill balut hadiah already berkulat.. 
. maaf la na.. mcm nk membantu tetapi tersepoil la plak an...
then the very next day.. start by susun barang dlm kereta.. fufufufu..
.. bnyk botooooi... penuh satu bonnet ngn botoi... haha.. setelah menyusun dengan cemerlangnya, maka selamat la gerak dari Jeli koi 6...dipendekkan cerita.. tido PC mlm tu.. huhu.. btw smpt lepas rindu kt PT~! hihi...Dipendekkan lagi.. Selamat juga event mereka..
.. TAHNIAH wooo~!!! tepuk3~!!! 

Well.. the issue here.. hmm...
I tataw yg exceli he is that mad...
Well... i tak kata yg i totally faham.. but i do faham.. tu je.. hmm.. when i know he is that mad thats make me rasa sangat bersalah.. sesudahnye antar la mesej smiley tah pape dengan membayangkan reaksi yg diberi.. but ofcoz la dia akan ignore.. taw da.. but somehow it make me feel better..
and another issue is..
Seriously... It almost kill me tengok the way he overtake tadi.. hmm....
Well.. it is ok.. because he is confident but.. hmm..well... somehow... that scary me much... i still care taw... hati2 naa..
Well.. sore dake~!
:: Its hard when being in the middle between family issue and friends issue.. *its happen to me also*
:: Its actually a care that come from no where *mixed feeling vs denial*
:: But its clearly stated that you already build the wall between us but i'm still in building process *sabar ya...*
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