Bismillahirahmanirrahim.... OK! SPiLL~!!
Somehow, internship wrap up still need to be done.. Submission of the proposal is done at the very end of the internship.. Farewell??
hmm xd farewell ceremony pon cam department sebelah.. *jeles2*.. tp takpe nothing to lose thou.. haha..
Overall, practical di FELDA Agricultural Services give me experience externally and internally.. the working
scenary is kind of ta berape nk mencabar sbb xd work pressure except 24 hour notice for presentation.. Supervisor is kind and particular person.. so ta de la tension mcm certain org smp ta makan ta ap xd mood mood swing sume.It is good and good enough for the experience somehow..
Well, as for internship wrap up
- Its good to challenge yourself but do not over challenge..
- Its good to be brilliant but not over brilliant..
- Humble dictates everything
- and be CERIA~!! =))
*peace yoe* that all internship wrap up....
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