Ok emo.. seriously emo.. emo abeyh.. brr.. geram.. ta paham dan sakit hati.. 
SIEP.. ok only student UMK know apa itu SIEP..
First of all I have the right to speak... So LISTEN~!! *haha*
Ok meyh nk citer... well i really tertarik dkt one bakery
kt my hometown ni.. tgk website, fb pon sume ok so i mail.. main reply2 email alih2 tetibe beliau ta reply then i call.. then dia kata sorry x berminat xd mutual benefit.. so i was like..kok ye pon reply la kannn.. ok fine nk mutual benefit kan
(pahala bukan mutual benefit ke *sakarstik sket*), then i offer la ap yg i taw and ap yg i boley buat.. sbb i nk buat SIEP je..
..even the objective is simple and just nk kerja observe business.. do no harm pon...tak jadi kudis...bukan nye i org politik.. bukan nye org industry, grad pon ta lagi.. but then sbb kn i ni bersemangat sgt, they request me as product development student sdgkn i apply as business study assignment.. takpe la its fine sbb dh jatuh cinta kan dgn tempat tu... then bile i igt dh agree rupenye kata nk i buat proposal dulu then dia nk bincang dgn lecturer in charge.. homaigod...
.. i tinggal 13 hari left nk soh proposal berbagai nk discuss dulu tu pon lps discuss ta sure lg boley buat ke tak kot.. homaigod please la!!
..ta luak pon ilmu tu.. ta abes pon kek kat bakery tu...tak jadi kudis pon kt u.. tolong la... then sbb rse mcm ridiculous gile permintaan i sendiri decline..
.. takpe la malu sket kt dia.. td beria-ria nak pastu xnak plak kan... tp xp.. u dont know what you lose.. the capable me and mende free.. haila... rse mcm nk buat je mende yg dia nak pastu bg kt dia pastu nk tulis.. "NOTHING TO LOSE IN SHARING KNOWLEDGE"...
. tp serious ta fhm... it just sepuluh hari, cop dan short interview.. nothing to lose kot.. end up menda tu jd report.. pastu either way masuk libry or masuk tong sampah.. well what i mean here as the presentation is over than its over la~.. tak jadi kudis pon... beribu student UMK xd nye sume org nk take note terhadap company laen.. hailar...
I faham u nak jaga ur company and it security but over mutual benefit for kiddy research buat apa?
I faham u are so bz and xd mase nk layan i but a short stay and one single interview pon xkn x dan kot ?
I faham u i am so no benefit for you but helping others is the tanggung jawab of ummah kan?
here i nak highlight kan issue helping other.. i really touch dgn the owner of Azyra bahulu previously.. He said xp la kita sesame bumiputra kne la tlg sesame sendiri.. nothing to lose pon.. see.. owh....
that why I so tak faham why kedekut ilmu????? Hailar...tak jadi kudis pon
Takpe la tuan kedai i just express what i feel klo u terbaca ke trasa cili ke i minta maaf but sincerely the MUTUAL BENEFIT requirement is too much for the kiddy research.. klo i nk practical dan apply kerja i dont mind.. it SIEP u.
But somehow thank you.. i do learn something.. how to deal with the owner yg particular~ =)