Friday, July 8, 2011




Haloo-hallo Minna~~ hehe.. ma.. it just a rondom post since its been a while i'm doing my update here... Well... tak banyak mende pon nk ckp.. just nak bagitau... i officially had 3 blogspot, 2 facebook, 1 twitter, 1 tumblr and one not so well updated LJ~ lol.. malas. but franly, LJ is just like side.. tp tgk r sat g klo rajin bt gif ke wallies ke then i post kt LJ... maybe kt tumblr skali kot... anyhow.. igt nk bt plurk.. tp ta faham dia pnya jalan hidup.. so, i give up.. haha... account bnyk2 pon tak termanage macm mane... btw.. recently pg blog alin.. kochi2~ as for me.. dia mmg blogger berjaya yg punya sudut pandangan yg berbeza.. ececeh~~ ayat... ta tahan... fufufuh.. my cuti is bosan.. aritu kuar nk tgk transformer.. tp biase la, terlebih cerdik lupe nk bli tix awal... so tix abes.. so melepas.. so padan muke cik illi~~ hehe.. naseb la... anyhow... wish to see that soon.. 

Btw.. recently pasal hack2 ni faymes kan... fufufu.. Nauzubillahminzalik... previously ad sorg kne hack FB dia with X-rated pix..  So, sgt kesian... tp nk buat mcm mne dh terkena.. well.... people, as usual bile ad smtg yg negative dia akan  fikir negative dulu.. ok, sy tidak terkecuali.. first, bila newsfeed gambar tu naek tros macam... asal bdk ni.. knp.. why2~!!! sedey2 sampai nk nanges... siyes saya malu... because it so x proper.. then i bt status... post kt twitter ap sume.. then baru terfikir positif... nth2 dia kene hack kot... hmm.. the next day, i find out mmg dia kene hack pon.. well... i pity her but in the same time, mcm mane if tak de org pon explain dia kene hack... if that happen to me i mesti rase tanak muncul da kat mana2... malu kot.. plus2 FB tuh sume kawan2 yg kita kenal.. lg la... 

My advice: jangan la online sesuka hati kat mane2.. i mean like online dkt starbuck ke.. merate2 la... sbb mcm tu la sng kne hack.. lagi satu rajin2 la tukar pswd... so, it help la sikit nk prevent hacking ni.. 

Fufufufuh... bnyk plak bebel bila dh stat tulis nih... ok la.. got two more blog to update.. jya~~~ XPP~!!

Btw --- this is the latest blog yg i bukak.. my world of art... well ad quotation, picture, poem aka sajak... and will update more soon  bila i berilham.. have a visit then ~~ ^^