Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Spill~!! SPiLL~!! and spiLL~!!

dush2...haha... I bergaduh dgn seseorg~~ well, it still the same person yg i still try to adapt drpd awal tahun and its end up this SEM it burst.. KAMI GADUH~~ hehe... lawak kan... still bley gelak even if gaduh.. hmmm... actually, i ta ske gaduh2 ni... i ta gaduh pon.. tp td.. action dia tu yg declare kiteorg gaduh... well, as i ckp before, i dont do hating i just do dislike... sbb kite xd hak nak membenci sesiapa pon~ I admit yg i ade cakap kasar and buat kasar and bla..bla..blaa sekelian yg menyakit kn hati dia... and i dh mintak maaf.. but still i do state yg i tak janji yg i takkan buat lagi.. sbb i still dalam process adaptation thdp dia.. seriously x tipu... 

ARghhh~!! i wish i can write it all... but i wont sbb i nk keep pride dia... but seriously.. if la dia fikir i really meanie mst i dh spill... hmm i decide to tell her one by one why i dont really like her.. sbb i dah tak tahan..  seriously x...

Cik Puan.. i taw u x suke i atas sbb sekian dan sekian.. and u pon taw i x suke u atas sbb sekian dan sekian... tp cik puan tahu x yg tindakan sekian dn sekian yg saya lakukan adalah untuk melindungi diri sy sendiri... ye saya selfish...

no matter where i go i will have a friendship problem... but i'm sure there always be someone by my side~ =))




Olla me amor~~ lol..haha...its been a while kan x update so sgt la gian nk taip segala macam hahaha... so be prepare la... post ni probably panjang........kot
Btw its rant-ing not ranting kayu.. ranting where mean you babling all the way around sampai x igt dunia... maaa... teringt lak Rooftop Rant... still on WANT-TO-BUY List.. huhu

nak RANT and nak SPILL~!! seriously... i'm at the peak of sabar.. means hampir dah nk tak sabar la kan.. ok la... today i decide nak bukak segalabagai rahsia... which i think i ta bley simpan lagi.. seriously x...and i rase if mereka yg terlibat bc, i probably x kan ada kawan dh afterward.. huhu.. nasib la... daripada makan hati sorg..They said I'm sorg yg mudah SENTAP.. yes! i am... saya mengaku itu... but why?? sbb mende yg diaorg ckp tu a little bit harsh from my point of view.. tp bile i ckp smtg yg buat dyorg sentap, taw lak terase dn cakap belakang.. hmm... watcha think?? pelik kan manusia ni.. hmm.. i admit yg i pon pelik jugak.. hehe
Actually, this SEM i rse la a little bit tersisih.. but never-mind.. i did not live all this long to grow up and be a people yg keep relying on other.. seriously, i admit.. waktu at Taiping I'm that kind of person... as long as being ignoring by other x effect my study and all of thing yg akan effect my pencapaian...but u know what.. i really mcm faham je why people keep distance from me.. sbb i always express my feeling and x reti nk hide... i spill what i think and thought before i relize it... hmm.. my mistake.. and i seriously will try to behave myself...

a story to tell: there is one moment yg i terover express somthing about grouping work between two class. Mmm... his word yg buat i sentap is... " Knp bg dia ckp... kan dh bla..bla..bla.." maksud di mcm knp bg i ckp kan Mr W dh marah.. serious sentap... balik bilik i trus nangis.. my mistake sbb ckp harsh but the way of teguran x rse cam harsh jugak ke? as if i'm not a reliable person.. hmm.. nasib la..
 another thing is about FAKE-ness.. haha.. well people  keep ckp org lain fake... believe me.. everyone is fake.. well... i seriously tot my clss-mate bond is fine.. tp being bounce here and there i taw mostly adalah fake... sekian depan sekian is mengata and critisize sekian and also vice versa but when they r facing each other, we ar so called happy classmate... funny aint it.. ok.. i do observe and sbb to sometimes i x bley hide my ketidak sukaan terhadap seseorg... oh...btw I GADUH dgn Miss Negative Thinker.. lol~~ 

Friday, November 18, 2011

*no title*

Fuuh~!! all post got cut due short term memory~ so... post semua pendek3~~ hadoi~~~ me and my memory problem~ NEVER_END~!

Lata Tembakah~


Lata Tembakah~!! Here we go~!!!

Previously~ Pergi LATA TEMBAKAH~!!! Kyaa~!! Its cuti deepavali... So, we decide to go to Lata Tembakah~ somewhere at sempadan Terengganu...
Lata Tembakah~! Its Fun~! with all the slippery stone... Yes, got tergelincir almost nth time...and lebam here and there of course.. but still it one of the place that hold our story... -SBP at Lata Tembakah on Depavali- Sweeeet~! <3~!

-Karnival Rekreasi Rakan Muda-Debat-T-shirt



Selamat sudah dari busy week sebagai AJK publisiti bg Program Karnival Reakreasi Rakan Muda MPP IPT 2011
Selamat sudah dari busy week sebagai pendebat yang nth ape2 bagi program Debat UNESCO 2011
Hampir selamat dari busy menguruskan T-shirt Class...

May everything keeps going fine InsyAllah~

Sunday, October 2, 2011


I hate her negative way of thinking,
I hate her intonation of talking,
I hate her bad face expression,
But i don't hate her, just a little bit dislike..=)

p.s: hate the action not the person~
p.s: luckily everyone immune already.. orz~!

Chilling myself so i won't burst... Secara jujur nye dh bertahun i ta burst out and i rse if i burst out it would be disastrous ~!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

oh~! my scrambled heart~


Oh~!! Serabut3~!!! Seriously serabut~! I can't believe I x over him lg~! 5 tahun~!! wake up girl~!! *tampar2 diri sendiri* ..Hadoi2~~ Hati.. Sila la paham~~ bahawa minda telah nyatakan dengan logic that he is not urs..yes! maybe sebab lps him, i x 'baik' dgn other guys.. maybe lepas him i xde intention nak 'baik' dgn other guys, maybe lepas him i xnk 'baik' dgn other guys da~!... oh~! yerrrr... bab2 ni mmg sy mental sikit.. i feel so like bersalah dkt dia sbb selalu ggu hidup dia... Yes~! YOU~! I'm sorry.. i tanak kacau u... i know that skrg u dah ade yg steady.. dan like before.. i won't make u break up with others~ oh! first time in 5 years i regret.. a bit je la tapi.. but its fine.. yes~! dekiru~! shinjiru~! yes~! saya percaya saya boley.. the love will come at time.. and... i mmg decide tp get hold onto him sbb... when the time i get over him is sbb i da ada someone yg i believe i can love more that i do~ oh~! susah betul bicara hati~ Yea.. and saya mmg nak kawan lgi dgn awak... serious~! 

Guys~! why they easily forget~! Girls~! why they easily remember~! and I'm a girl~! orz~!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

We live in different world~


-- We live in different world --
Osh... waa.. nk cerite ni..Emoticons Well, cuti 4 bulan mmg ta buat ape2.. Its filled with so-called-housewife-training.. hehe..Emoticons.. Well.. remember my confession post? Ma... kochi2...Hmm.. recently I talk to him... and of course indirectly.. it just a facebook comment.. well.. a bit happy..a bit je la tapi... hmm.... I admit yg i stalk his facebook one a while.. hehe.. one thing that i realize is, we live in different world...He is just to kind for me... well, tipu la if i said i ta expect ape2.. but "we live in different world".. that all i can say.. he is so kind hearted to everyone.. hmm.. once, previously, i sedar i dah ter-offend dia a bit la... tp tataw cane nk say sorry... For those who read this post... if i ade ter-offend you guys I'm sincrely want to say I'm sorry.. Emoticons

Hmm.. mne I taw he was a good guy.. Emoticons First, his comment reply is always soft.. setakat ni I tak jumpe lg harsh word la... well, you guys know that i tak suke perkataan yg tak elok.. i just can say as far as "bodoh" and "bengong" je if i marah.. so, I tak suke the f-word or the b-bla-bla-bla word.. so, that make he good... He also rarely online.. and frequently invite people to tarawikh (since its ramadhan).. mm.. because of this I terase sendiri.. and i always rse status dia cam cute je.. he is too of course.. haha.. Well.. tataw la can jumpe lagi tak next sem..Emoticons... since the admin of Uni yang a little tunggang tebalik sbb campus tak siap...

He is a good guy and "we live in different world"... me and my fandom thingy and drama thingy.. he and his kindness to everyone.. Well, let just left this matter to the fate~Emoticons

A confession : I decide to low down my fandom side lately.. there is no picture of them in my blog anymore.. Making my self used to this state since I had a vow to myself... sometimes I'm thankful there is no hyphen at my uni because I'll be more distracted..

Hot day...


Yosh~ Hows everyone...??  *poke3* 
Mmm.. where to start...Maa.. sebenarnya I wish to mantain this blog as not for fandom thingy.. but, since its related a bit so... nevermind.. nyiahaha... btw last-last Sunday, is a hot day... bukan sebab cahaya matahari but sbb something yg happen on that show.. Well, to make it short.. there is particular person yg trigger a war.. fufufufuh.. well, I tak tgk live.. so based on update member2 yg tgk live I become hot as in panas.. fufufu.. the funny things is, the next day when I watch it at tonton, it is not bad as these people say actually...haha.. no offend, maybe sbb I tak tgk live or it just my nature yg overly positive sometime.. oh~! Forget to mention... for that insiden, I had to admit I don't hate Baki... since I'm kinda understand his situation.. Randomly said what on his mind... because I'm a little bit like that... and have that "I don't care" thought on what others said..

Somehow, at certain time I use to put myself others point of view...So that I can avoid unnecessary madness~

ps: I'm not pointing this to anyone.. it just my thought.. I also understand that everyone has different point and level of anger on different things

Osh~! the topic dah sejuk.. but I can see the tempias.. Hyphen cam gaduh je dgn Elf... Well, I ta masuk campur bab ni..Tp, sila fikir sebelum gaduh.. there so much things thats more important daripada dok gaduh mcm ni.. hmmph... Up to you guys...

And one more thing, since I dont do "hate" I just nk ckp yg I ta suke org yg dok pertahan kan diorg nye favourite boyband or so whatever dgn hujah2 or bla..bla..bla.. because.. every single of group or band or whatsoever have diaorg punye capability masing.. klo dok mengadap yang same je u will be out of date and lame...and maybe ade org will point me back with my kat-tun.. well, before you point me back ask me first..If you guys really ask my real bias it is piano and violin and a little guitar lately in which that made up your favourite music...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Yeah~! Hyphen Rocks Bebeh~ Pt II

BIG WARNING :: Everyone have their own preference and opinion..So, RESPECT~!

Ma... Sour time.. Well it is obviously that they are K-bias.. Well... I ta marah that part but I kinda kecik hati la sbb like diorg being sarcastic dan seolah memperlekehkan J talent.. aigoo.. panas nih... hehe.. anyhow... we hyphen do hope u keep your word to learn more about KAT-TUN dear Mc.. bukan sbb mmg kiteorg no org serious.. tp sebab the perli2.. hehe.. ma.. my advice.. to all new hyphen.. (yes.. kami dapat hyphen baru sbb project ni.. LOL~) don't miss out to watch all the concert.. my personal preference is BTR la.. seriously.. bulu roma menegak first time tgk.. Kamenashi 1582 is a must~! Moon too.. senang kata semua la.. and dun worry hyphen dont bite.. and as far as I know there is no hyphen yg I kenal pnh bashing others fandom... so, bg I hyphen is safe..

Ma.. dear 8TV, we all know yg Kpop aura is unbearable.. tp x bermakna korg kene push aside the talented J.. especially from JE la.. sbb most J i knl pon JE boys.. hehe.. don't whack me because of this.. KAT-TUN single always be on top... acknowledged that plish~~ hehe..well.. hyphen is up and unite now.. so, beware.. WHEN SUNDAY COMES, HERE (8TV NITELIVE) WE WILL BE~~ hahaha.. just kiddin.. although it might be true.. LOL~! and last but not least.. letter to Baki and the other guy.. LOL~! kochi2~

::btw it BEATboxing not bla bla BOXING la dear~

Sunday, July 10, 2011




Hallo minna.. btw.. skrg tgh tggu for 2nd round hyphen project... still! SAYA SAKIT GIGI~~ wa.. menci2~~
btw.. recently I've been giving opinion kt org... ma.. ad two topic..

Firstly: Adakah kenangan boley di consider as souvenir? :: adapted from a conversation with friend

Kenangan is more like a memory in which different dgn sourvenir yg berupa kebendaan...Kenangan is a form of memory yg virtual but then buah tgn is real...So, itu membuatkan kenangan itu berbeza dari buah tangan..tetapi kenangan juga boleh diceritakan dan dikongsi dengan orang lain where it can help in giving imagination kpd pendengar.. so apabila ia dikongsi maka ia juga boleh ditafsirkan sebagai hadiah or dgn kata lain buah tangan la kot... tp walopon ia dikongsi, tp tidak secara overall sbb mungkin ada part yg missing.. but still... ia hidup dalam memory org yg mengalaminya.. so, kenangan is a sourvenir or not depends kepada yg menerimanya~~

Secondly : ‎..orang perempuan suka tengok orang lelaki menangis ke? :D :: quest by Hariz Clay @ fbstatus

well... it depends to sbb a guy cry.. some guy asume klo dyorg cry means diorg put dri dyorg at a lower state.. bg sy la... if they cry means they need support... klo sbb dia cry tu bukan sbb gurl they love la... klo they cry sbb girl they love means they love so much.. and mesti kita bertambah2 syg kt dia sbb guys susah nk fake kan tear.
Well.. its me with my world of opinion.. so, fell free to ask~~ ^^

another rant~! Havoc Hyphen~!



Hallo semua... ma.. imawa i ada kt umah my aunt.. will be staying here for a week or plus2 for my SIEP.. fufuh... nak SIEP tu ap?? kne la masuk UMK.. ececeh.. memandangkan dah pernah rant pasal SIEP ni, so tanak bebel dah.. penat.. fufufufuh.. owh... sebenarnya nk cite pasal the Havoc Hyphen.. hehe..

Jitsuwa, malam tadi ad project for hyphen Malaysia.. Aim : 8tv broadcast KAT-TUN PV.. haha.. cayala hyphen.. sume semangat.. ta tahan.. dari twitter, chatbox, fb.. semangat~!! tetibe terasa bangga plak diri ni hyphen kan.. maklum la.. lately KAT-TUN boys cam slow jerk... so i pon slow.. tp bile dapat pulak situasi cam ni.. fufuh.. mata yg ngtuk pon terase ada tongkat... i yg yg sakit gigi ni pon redah jer.. yang paling semangat BELLA~!! fuh... if i la KAT-TUN bangga gile dpt fan cam bella.. hehe... tp last2 8tv tak tyg gak.. still dak2 ni aim for tonight.. haha.. seems like it wolud be hyphen war.. ma... not in bad way la.. it just nk org2 taw yg Jpop world is also capable cam Kpop.. kan...?? but seriously.. everyone is fighting for it.. mmg serious nampak semangat.. sampai ad org tertarik tny KAT-TUN tu siape.. hehe...btw.. lpe nak ckp.. kattun nk ada single baru.. run for you~~ but frankly, i prefer diamond jd lgu main... btw it just my opinion *peace*... anyhow.. just tggu la the outcome pv cane...owh... and .. my wallie batch project still on delay.. gif pon... i hope boley siapkan b4 ramadhan kot.. fufufufuh~~

Btw semalam sembang ngn roro.. hahaha.. tata la pesal.. rse cam nk sembang ngn dia plak.. fufufuh.. cik Rohaida.. i choo jeles u dapat Hlovate punye bookmark.. btw... Hlovate is another thing yg i ngn dia suke selain dr KAT-TUN world.. hmm.. cane ek nk ckp.. kind of universal sbnrnya hyphen ni... sume mende boley kyaa sekali... hahahaha... seronok2..

owh... next part.. mama.. fufufufuh.. ma risau i gemok.. i tak risau.. haha... yeke x... hmm.. adala jugak risau.. dah tu nk bt mcm mana.. dulu yela i kt mkn.. sejak masuk uni ni.. mmg dah kurang.. tp ma ta nampak sbb dok asramakn.. tp balik umah demand nak makan tu ini.. normal la kan.. fufufuh.. yes i'm worried that i'm overweight tp i nk bt cane.. next... ma risau i xd boyfriend.. adey.. ma.. the time will come la.. dun worry.. hehehe....taw tak nape ma risau? sbb along mmg dh stable dgn bf dia and adek plak ramai peminat.. so i ni mcm x laku.. adoyay mama ni.. mcm2~~ ma... I'm happy with my KAT-TUN boys sudah.. the real husband to be will muncul gak sooner or later.. unless mmg dh tertulis i takde jodoh ngan sesiape.. hahaha..

ok... as for now tu je kot.. seriously.. las2 update yg ni jugak.. kne g update tatta hitotsu neh~~ hehe
matta minna~~ yo~!! HYPHEN~!! let it rock tonight~~!!

Friday, July 8, 2011




Haloo-hallo Minna~~ hehe.. ma.. it just a rondom post since its been a while i'm doing my update here... Well... tak banyak mende pon nk ckp.. just nak bagitau... i officially had 3 blogspot, 2 facebook, 1 twitter, 1 tumblr and one not so well updated LJ~ lol.. malas. but franly, LJ is just like side.. tp tgk r sat g klo rajin bt gif ke wallies ke then i post kt LJ... maybe kt tumblr skali kot... anyhow.. igt nk bt plurk.. tp ta faham dia pnya jalan hidup.. so, i give up.. haha... account bnyk2 pon tak termanage macm mane... btw.. recently pg blog alin.. kochi2~ as for me.. dia mmg blogger berjaya yg punya sudut pandangan yg berbeza.. ececeh~~ ayat... ta tahan... fufufuh.. my cuti is bosan.. aritu kuar nk tgk transformer.. tp biase la, terlebih cerdik lupe nk bli tix awal... so tix abes.. so melepas.. so padan muke cik illi~~ hehe.. naseb la... anyhow... wish to see that soon.. 

Btw.. recently pasal hack2 ni faymes kan... fufufu.. Nauzubillahminzalik... previously ad sorg kne hack FB dia with X-rated pix..  So, sgt kesian... tp nk buat mcm mne dh terkena.. well.... people, as usual bile ad smtg yg negative dia akan  fikir negative dulu.. ok, sy tidak terkecuali.. first, bila newsfeed gambar tu naek tros macam... asal bdk ni.. knp.. why2~!!! sedey2 sampai nk nanges... siyes saya malu... because it so x proper.. then i bt status... post kt twitter ap sume.. then baru terfikir positif... nth2 dia kene hack kot... hmm.. the next day, i find out mmg dia kene hack pon.. well... i pity her but in the same time, mcm mane if tak de org pon explain dia kene hack... if that happen to me i mesti rase tanak muncul da kat mana2... malu kot.. plus2 FB tuh sume kawan2 yg kita kenal.. lg la... 

My advice: jangan la online sesuka hati kat mane2.. i mean like online dkt starbuck ke.. merate2 la... sbb mcm tu la sng kne hack.. lagi satu rajin2 la tukar pswd... so, it help la sikit nk prevent hacking ni.. 

Fufufufuh... bnyk plak bebel bila dh stat tulis nih... ok la.. got two more blog to update.. jya~~~ XPP~!!

Btw --- this is the latest blog yg i bukak.. my world of art... well ad quotation, picture, poem aka sajak... and will update more soon  bila i berilham.. have a visit then ~~ ^^ 

Friday, June 10, 2011

Creep~ Street Symphony~



Yeah~!! I finally get my *Contengan Jalanan* after searching through out three city.. haha... last copy kat kedai buku dekat mane nth.. somewhere in kL la tapi.. huhu.. amek tros bayar... lepas tu dok senyum memanjang.. haha.. Done reading three day.. um... lama sikit sbb the story is kinda norm.. mybe my expectation tinggi sgt kot.. anyhow.. as for me even it is kinda a little boring it still a good job from Hlovate... Maaa...seriously i'm wating for ANTHEM~!! Hlovate.. cepatla release anthem~!!!!!!!! Well the top novel still VERSUS~!!

Contengan Jalanan... Well tataw nk bt review cane.. so baca sendiri la klo nk taw.. still Contengan Jalanan and Versus make me feel like going to Australia.. Seriously~!!

My Hlovate novel rating
  1. Versus
  2. Aa+bB
  3. 5 Tahun 5 bulan
  4. Tunas
  5. Rooftop Rant
  6. Ked's Story

Ma... thats all for now... btw... Aya.. Miss you romeo~!! XPP~!!

My Journey~ Part II


Basically post ini adalah sambungan daripada post di sini..

SPiLL~!! Well... actually i try to be yasashi in my previous post but I'm gonna spill it here.. so... No terase or tersakit hati because it just my point of view dan pendapat.. ok?? deal~!

My Journey to Kulim~!! Maa... secara jujur nye... at first its disastrous.. i even counting brp hari lg kene stay...haha.. reason....sbb tangga... fuh..fuh... too much stairs.. setiap kali abes xtvt panjat tangga... nsb baik time KMPh dlu x mcm tuh.. haha... Crazy Emoticons*whack~*Crazy Emoticons.. I mmg manja pon.. The hall panas... sgt pns... There is one night, I just stand kt luar grill hall tu... fuh... bahang dy... dasyat2... but still... thats the norm of minggu orientasi kn? and seriously I don't feel like it is me.. because I didn't speak out loud what i think.. still i'm holding sbb nk release kat sini... nk klo nk speak out loud kt sana equal tu cari nahas la kan... dh la bukan tempat kite...MSN Onion Emoticon

Complaint : First, the management~! well... Zack dh complain tp nk complain jugak.. mmg mcm kurang preparation.. kite org pon sebenarnya...kurang jugak.. nasib baek amount student sikit, so agak terkawal.. Jitsuwa sangat kesian kat diaorang tp tataw nak membantu mcm mana... tp tu la.. preparation is maybe kene buat awal sikit and the seniority should be avoid.. Well, sbb mostly adalah alumni dari batch yang berbeza so seniority tu mesti ad... HOWEVER, in organization...MSN Onion Emoticonssenior should know that they are to respect not to follow.. if the organization ikot seniority then fine la... tp if organization x, it would be kelam kabut.. the reason is, junior nk jg hati senior.. 

Well, through out the xtvt, I seriously nk say Onion Iconssorry Onion Icons sbb totally lepas tgn bila xtvt junior UMK dgn KMku bergabung.. bukan niat nk lepas tgn but we feel so UNFIT... minority among majority.. hmm.. and i admit yg we all abide the code dress... haha.. nk bt cane, top management x bg brief apa2 ponCrazy Emoticons..  i just bwk 3 bju kurung 2 jeans and one slack yg x taram la pakai apa2 pon... but then the eyes yang watching tu x yah nak kata la ketajamannyaMSN Onion Emoticon... well, we are not the alumni.. how should we know.. klo dh taw pon, its too late kan.. 

The regret : Yes.. ad regret jugak sbnrnya...sbb get fit at the very end of the xtvt.. seriously, the last day bru i rse fit kt situ.. tp nk bt cne.. Again its too late..MSN Onion Icons

ok... thats all for now and here... to be continue at!! ^^

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Contengan jalanan~!



Jitsuwa.. SAAANGAAAAATTTT FRUST~~~~~~ sbb x bli Contengan Jalanan lagi~!!! SEROUSLY~!!
-- Anyhow, TQ buat akak terchenta kerana sudi membelanjaku~~ hehe.. so, nnt nk g cr kt kedai buku dulu, if takde baru bli online... tp frust gak la sbb x dpt HLOVATE bookmark limited edition... fruuuussstt~~ nk buat cne, x mampu nk g pesta buku~~ huhu Gyahhh.... ckap pasal Hlovate i really tataw la kan since when totally immerse dlm karya dia.. but then karya dia sangat BERMAKNA especially VERSUS.. aA + bB pun.. ^^ 

Contengan Jalanan or nama asal dy Creep~ Street Symphony~ mmg x bc teaser dy sbb takot nnt break the suspend sumer.. haha.. weirdo right... but then i do read Anthem... waa.... cepat la sambung or release novel trus... ANTHEM ADA VIOLIN~!!!! *scream kuat2* and violin is my addiction kot ~~!! yoo~!! seriously i wish that i can play violin and Piano @ keyboard one day.. huhu... skrg maen right hand side je.. aci x??!! dah keyboard pendek... tgk tutorial pon nk press x cukup key.. then the key is tooo small.. tp kan... really thankful sbb atleast got smtg to press.. haha.. adiah 20th years old yg sangat bermakna~~ *SERIOUSLY~!!!*

ah~ lpe nk crt... hari tu webchat ngan AYA~! cho ureshi~!! lama gila x sembang... huhu.. cam ta puas je.. wa.. manyak nk crt tp tataw nak stat mane~~ tp AYA BALIK TAUN NI~!! yeye~!! sgt gembira ok... hope nnt bley jumpe~!!! AYA~!! I MISS YOU ROMEO~!!! huhu.. memandang kan kt blog ad 3 bijik jam so sgt sng nak taw different masa~!! yippie~!! The Bristol time is for Aya of coz, Egypt is for Kamal and Aussie is for Aween.. haha.. patut tambah satu ag tok nacchan..hmm remind me later k~!!

well...OWARI~!!....with love~~!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Time ZONE~!



Clock...Clock... Jam.. Jam... Tokei... Tokei..~!!

Letak jam kat side bar... tu je.. hehe... well, since friend agak world wide, jam itu diperlukan for the time difference... ok~ ^^

Sunday, April 10, 2011

*random* I MISS TAIPING~!



I miss my moment in Taiping... serious.. x tipu... my clssmate my friend... hmm... and the culture... Seriously, klo reflect balik time dok dulu dgn skrg, i think i've become worst and better in a certain part.. Ya... sekarang i'm not that type yg suke merajuk and need people attention da... i really can walk alone...walaupun x suke sorg sebenarnye... tp klo dah xd org nak teman xkn nak paksa, so jalan je la sensorang kan? if and only if i sedar ni dulu mesti i'll be a better girl.. ok~! enough turning back look, i miss the culture of taiping... culture bagi salam, selawat syifa, asma ul-husna and all of that... even dulu buat sbb kne buat, tp skrg i miss it... remember my last post about Versus... i think i've turn worst so skrg nk cari point U-turn for return balik mcm rutin dulu... tp x best la sorg.. tp drpd x buat baek buat je kn? lastly i miss my classmate... 

502 on 2007

routine la kan amek gambar time high school.. hehe... even kenal two years je, sebabkan almost 24/7 mengadap mereka, so two years memory worth a life time memory... huhu... jom buat spot check nama... umm...

First line...Hisyamuddin...Fariz Aysraf.. Boboy.. Mat-J.. Cg Mai, Cg Ruhimi, Wana, Ad, me, Syakirah
Second line...Alin, Pipah, Shela, Jamaliah, Farhana, wani, Fadhilah and Adilah
Last line.. Rozaimi, Khalil, Zai, P-dot, Khairi, Sidek, Shawal and Zaid..
fuh..fuh... seb baek lepas igt sume.. haha... antara banyak2 ni paling igt khairi kot sbb dia salu fire.. hehe... i dont blame you for that, but seriously terima kasih banyak-banyak...shawal, thesis mate yang berjaya.. wuhoo... adila, shela, fadh, tq sbb salu layan diri yang menyampah ini.. haha... i taw i sgt annoying dulu.. haha... btw, i miss you guys... haven't meet any of you ages.. huhu... BILE NAK REUNION NIH~!

Homeroom Brave 2007
*sory ar sideq... terkena ayaq kat muka hang.. huhu..

oh... I miss you to Aya... waa... lme giler x jumpe~!!!!!  >.<

as a conclusion.....

Miss Earissa is MISSING her memory in TAIPING~!!

**klo dgr lagu detik bersama mesti teringat kat korg.. waaa~~~!! windunye~!!! grrr...~!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

inner "VERSUS"



31 March... his birthday.. so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY... um...
- siapa? a friend of mine... the best one ok~!
- adiah? Versus by Hlovate and a bunch of choco...
- arrive? i tataw sbb dy x text pon dh smp ke x.. that fact is i dh post...
- knp Versus? dunno.. random me.. haha..

ok... back to Versus... hmm... Versus is inspiring.. really.. i mean it... the writer did well in reflecting the real life in the writing... stakat ni dh dwld 2 e-book from Harun Yahya... just tggu time je nk bace... bile ek? *smack dr sendiri sbb tgguh2* ... hmm.. the domino effect, and all the inspiring quote yg ad..seriously INSPIRING~!!! ..feel like nk list out it...someday...the fact is... do read Versus... spe yg rse nk pinjam... i bley bg borrow.. x pon oder je tros kt JS...

Versus define word baik well.. "mcm mana nk jd baik?" define it first then you'll know... what is baik? if u know the meaning and be like it you akan jadi baik.. according to Hlovate, "be in ISLAM in total".. than that is baik..

  Versus..the hardest battle is when you are against yourself..but  
  the thing that u love the most might not the best after all..  

_CHANGING FOR GOOD IS NOT A CRIME_inshAllah_with Allah will, I will_

__________ok.. done with versus..___________

..hyphen...well.. i miss hyphen world... dh lme x fandom gile2.... argh... miss them so much...grrr..... last time sembang ngn roro rse best giler... (**roro birthday).. .first, sbb credit x trn.hahaha... gelak jaat....pastu... fangirl sambil emo pasai the 6-1.. haha hyphen je phm equation tu.... XP~!... miss everyone lots... esp, cik hazirah, cik mijah, roro, fara hani, kazu zati, yuna, farah, and sume2 la... tskk... time is really killing me ne... hrmmm internet pon...dengki nak mati kt I.. nk dwld x bley nk stream pon x boley... adey~!!! dh x pki celcom bband ni lg la.. suffer thp tercekik...

exam is around the corner.. so.....

Saturday, March 19, 2011



Ok~ SPiLL~!

today... my lovely uni in a quote, xd air lagi.. haha... seb baek terdetik nak bgn awal..awal la sgt...XDD~~ thats not the point la actually... nk crt pasal last night.. hummm... last night i call 'dia'... ok... having fun talking w/o point actually...haha.. pastu dy mcm nk hang up.. ok.. fine.. bye2.. mcm nk terase hati tp mcm x... scr jujur nye... mmg la ada a bit feeling lg kan... x ley nk doubt la... tp.. i x feel suffer pon... last night rase mcm adult plak buat confession kt dy.. not really confession la... tp mcm telling him how i feel... this time I AM TOTALLY POSITIVE that we are just friend.. no quote there.. so its really friend la.. but if something wanna grow again.. let the time decide, ok?  seriously.. i rse i just text dy if i'm lonely.. teruk kan.... tp nk buat cane... naseb dia la... well dont smack me... mm... his birthday dah nak dekat da.. igt nk bg VERSUS... but then, tgk dulu la cne ek..

ok.. hari ni KAT-TUN calendar arrive... dh sampai seminggu sebenarnya... but then blame the busy-ness la... i x berslah ok... speech buat pemberi... 

Disini saya ingin memberi setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada Cik Hazirah Adilin Hismat Alang atas kasih sayang yang diberi.. *hugs*

Tuesday, March 15, 2011



Yes~! First post! haha.. Okey, this is the deal... disebabkan sebab2 tertentu iaitu untuk tidak mencemarkan standard English Blog, maka dgn ini officially a new blog dibuka.. hahahaha... but then still hope in future mampu menghandle kedua2 blog dengan baik walaupun hakikatnya membuka blog ini adalah tindakan yang tak berapa nak waras kerana blog yang lama pon still bersawang kot! *smack diri sendiri*~! apa2 pon.. basically, both adalah untuk meng'express'kan tekanan jiwa yang dihadapi.. haha... mcm pskit jiwa la plak...XDD~!!... Lotz of thing yang nk burst.. but atm... bnyk due date nk kne kejar so... later~~!! ^^