OK! SPiLL~!!
Olla Peeps~~
Its Inter-SHIP that sails Part IV..
Sedar tak sedar it almost over...
.. Xde la almost.. tp dh half of intern journey la.. hehe... Well.. sepanjang I kt sini dah dua kali turun kL yg menyebabkan kemerosotan keewangan yg amat...
...hadoi2~~ *hands up* I mengaku yg I'm totally fail on Money Management... Well, a point to wonder jugak what if one day bila I dh bergaji segala bagai.. How ae? hmm.. skrg ye la.. surut2 ada PaMa~ kikiki..
First time turun kL untuk Anime Fiesta which sorry to say that event seems x brp nk meriah segala bagai.. but I still enjoy meeting Hyphen..Second time turun untuk jumpa SBP-ians.. sume makin lawa makin berseri u~~
*i je yg tak* -_-" ~! Enjoy the moment and masuk snow house yg sgt chilly you~!!
..chilly gile.. can't even imagine if one day akan stay in snowy places.. Weee~~
Intern part IV.. Lots of thing yg I learn sama ada directly or in directly~ thanks to the peeps around~ and sorry to say org kat sini freak you~~ freak~!!! ta tipu... they like to buat kesimpulan sendiri..
..Hmm.. I pon ta fhm la... Its been a while since I jd bestie for the guys next door.. Makan bersama and segala bagai la bersama... hmm.. sbb ap? sbb xd org laen dah.. hadoi2... but people with their speculation is unavoidable... dok mengata sini sana... wake up peeps..
..klo dh community nye 4 org maka 4 org je la.. takkan tetibe nk merempat rumah u all plak.. kang laen pulak yg dikata... hmm.. tape la biarla.. nasib la.. tp because of this situation I rase I need to draw the boundry line.. bukan sbg penghalang but sbg limitation.. kan? ape2 pon cool and steady~
Wee...btw, U..u..u..kamu.. kamu... I pon tataw whats wrong with me smp I tend to spiLL almost everything kat kamu.. I wonder who are you~ hmm...
Intern part IV... the project progress serious slow...
... sbb I dilanda kemalasan yg menggunung.. hadoi2.. pastu nnt tetibe bos nak mule la terkulat2...
...Hmph~! better get started.. btw.. recently 'tertengok Winner 3 kat TV3' ... somehow I see future me inside it.. hows the product development is needed in nowday market... they even have Product Development Executive~!!
..Wow~ Aiming high for my next2 SEM.. I shoud get dean.. I should... for the sake of me and my parent of course..
::Tend to follow does not mean lack of originality....
apa yg i nk highlight sini is... sbb kan i tend to follow ur minat segala bagai tak bermaksud i xd identity, it just the stuff and things is nice one and fit me of course =)
:: btw recently totally in love with this perfume :: Gucci - Envy Me...
..but recently ade perfume cherryblossom release~ O.o?? nk p test bau laaa~~~
and also this...
Ambi Pur Cotton~!!
Papa.. pas ni pakai ni yerrrr~
::Sbbkn ikot ckp Mira, ber-emoji wa punye post~~ huhu~~