-- We live in different world --
Osh... waa.. nk cerite ni..
Well, cuti 4 bulan mmg ta buat ape2.. Its filled with so-called-housewife-training.. hehe..
.. Well.. remember my confession post? Ma... kochi2...Hmm.. recently I talk to him... and of course indirectly.. it just a facebook comment.. well.. a bit happy..a bit je la tapi... hmm.... I admit yg i stalk his facebook one a while.. hehe.. one thing that i realize is, we live in different world...He is just to kind for me... well, tipu la if i said i ta expect ape2.. but "we live in different world".. that all i can say.. he is so kind hearted to everyone.. hmm.. once, previously, i sedar i dah ter-offend dia a bit la... tp tataw cane nk say sorry... For those who read this post... if i ade ter-offend you guys I'm sincrely want to say I'm sorry.. 
Hmm.. mne I taw he was a good guy..
First, his comment reply is always soft.. setakat ni I tak jumpe lg harsh word la... well, you guys know that i tak suke perkataan yg tak elok.. i just can say as far as "bodoh" and "bengong" je if i marah.. so, I tak suke the f-word or the b-bla-bla-bla word.. so, that make he good... He also rarely online.. and frequently invite people to tarawikh (since its ramadhan).. mm.. because of this I terase sendiri.. and i always rse status dia cam cute je.. he is too of course.. haha.. Well.. tataw la can jumpe lagi tak next sem..
... since the admin of Uni yang a little tunggang tebalik sbb campus tak siap...
He is a good guy and "we live in different world"... me and my fandom thingy and drama thingy.. he and his kindness to everyone.. Well, let just left this matter to the fate~
A confession : I decide to low down my fandom side lately.. there is no picture of them in my blog anymore.. Making my self used to this state since I had a vow to myself... sometimes I'm thankful there is no hyphen at my uni because I'll be more distracted..