Yeah~!! I finally get my *Contengan Jalanan* after searching through out three city.. haha... last copy kat kedai buku dekat mane nth.. somewhere in kL la tapi.. huhu.. amek tros bayar... lepas tu dok senyum memanjang.. haha.. Done reading three day.. um... lama sikit sbb the story is kinda norm.. mybe my expectation tinggi sgt kot.. anyhow.. as for me even it is kinda a little boring it still a good job from Hlovate... Maaa...seriously i'm wating for ANTHEM~!! Hlovate.. cepatla release anthem~!!!!!!!! Well the top novel still VERSUS~!!
Contengan Jalanan... Well tataw nk bt review cane.. so baca sendiri la klo nk taw.. still Contengan Jalanan and Versus make me feel like going to Australia.. Seriously~!!
My Hlovate novel rating
- Versus
- Aa+bB
- 5 Tahun 5 bulan
- Tunas
- Rooftop Rant
- Ked's Story
Ma... thats all for now... btw... Aya.. Miss you romeo~!! XPP~!!